Monday, January 18, 2010

I took the Pledge...

...did you? Driving while talking on the phone is statistically equivalent to drunk driving. Texting while behind the wheel is statistically worse. I'm completely stopping both. Not that I know where my cell phone is half the time:). And I'm leaving my iPod at home so that isn't a distraction either. I literally wept at the Oprah show today. Take the pledge and make the roads safer for yourself, your loved ones, and those loved by others.


  1. I took the pledge also!

  2. I don't drive while on the phone, but here in California it has been against the law for over a year, unless they are totally hands free. I still see lots of drivers with cell phones in thier hands up to thier ears!!!

  3. I did because of your handy dandy link! Thanks!

  4. Amen to that!

    Never did it, never will...people can wait until I can give them my full attention. Besides I'm in the minority...don't have text on the phone! Guess that helps! LOL!!

    Thanks for posting this!

  5. It`s just plain illegal where I live!

  6. It's illegal here (The Netherlands) too! But WTG to take a pledge. Just re-discovered your blog Erin, how nice to have found you back. Off to catch up now...

  7. It is illegal here as well! (Ontario, Canada) Just went into affect two months ago. You have to be hands fee now to talk. Its hard since I realized I do tend to talk a lot while driving! yikes.

  8. This is a good thing. We are not allowed to use a mobile phone while driving since 2002. The fine is high too if you're caught, starting from 136 Euro up to 2000 Euro or 2 months in prison. ( this is in The Netherlands)

  9. I have used hands free for years. I am a little surprised to see this post (as I do not follow Oprah at all, this is my first knowledge of the pledge.) The reason I say I am surprised is that earlier this week on my way to work, the radio was talking about a new study out that says that areas that have stopped cell phone use have not had a decrease in accidents. They stated that it appears to be just distractions in general, and that a cell phone is no worse than any other, such as radio etc. (This was for talking, NOT texting!)

    I am not taking a side one way or the other, it was just too odd to here these two divergent bits of information in one week. I will have to watch the Oprah episode, and do some reading to find out where the different statistics are coming from.
